The Venturi Aerated Pressure Alternated Rhizozone Evapotranspiration (VAPARhizE®) trenching system is an innovative method that amalgamates a number of recognised ‘best practice’ design, distribution and dispersal techniques. The aim of the technique is to maximise the oxygen level in the water and the soil in the trench. The increased oxygen is highly beneficial for plants grown over the top of the trench.
VAPARhizE® uses the alternating pressurised distribution method in combination with venturi valve and tunnel splash-back aeration. Venturi valves place micro-bubbles of air into the water. The micro-bubbles have a very large surface area which enable the water and soil to stay in an aerobic condition.
VAPARhizE® uses a unique pressurised ‘tunnel splashback’ style distribution technique successfully developed under local conditions in South Australia. Pressurised treated water is forced through a series of measured apertures against the underside of the tunnel. This in turn creates an aerosolising/vaporising effect that not only provides for further passive aeration but also results in a very uniform wetted distribution over the distribution media for the entire footprint of the tunnel.
This passive aeration technique provides additional treatment potential for water entering the vadose zone, reduces odour potential, provides plant health benefits (particularly to plant roots in the rhizosphere) and helps promote long-term soil acceptance of wastewater.
The VAPARhizE® system is an innovation based on the on-site wastewater standard AS/NZS 1547:2012, the relevant South Australian Department of Health Codes, as well as components of a number of international standards and published peer reviewed scientific reports.
To find out more about the VAPARhizE® system
as well as other Arris water treatment
technologies, click here.
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our specialised water technology solutions.
For more information on Pressurised Distribution Systems, the Washington State Department of Health have published new guidelines, Pressure Distribution Systems – Recommended Standards and Guidance for Performance, Application, Design, and Operation & Maintenance.